Culpeper math teacher honored with award

CHS math teacher Ashley Elkins receiving flowers and balloons.

"Mrs. Ashley Elkins is an exceptional educator who has consistently demonstrated a passion for teaching, a commitment to student success, and a willingness to take on various roles to enhance the learning experience," said Principal Dr. Danny Soderholm.

Throughout her 13-year tenure, Elkins has distinguished herself through several notable contributions, including her role as a mentor teacher for the past seven years. She has successfully mentored new math teachers, shaped effective educators and played a pivotal role in curriculum development.

Elkins' commitment to all students is evident in her tailored approaches to teaching, including comprehensive materials for Algebra 1 courses and collaborative teaching for special education and English Learners. Furthermore, her innovative teaching methods in advanced placement statistics have ignited a newfound interest in advanced math studies among students. In addition, Elkins regularly offers after-school tutoring and invests significant time and effort into ensuring each student has the opportunity to excel in their math studies.

Beyond her contributions in the math department, Elkins serves as the dance choreographer for school musicals, highlighting her dedication to fostering creativity and expression in education beyond the math classroom.

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